Alina Siegfried

Author, Narrative Strategist, Systems Shaker, Spoken Word Artist

About Alina

Alina is an author, storyteller, narrative strategist, social innovator, systems change advocate, and spoken word artist based in Wellington, New Zealand. She is dedicated to helping businesses, organisations, and individuals to connect authentically and find collective solutions to systemic problems through story.


A relentless questioner at heart, Alina’s diverse and varied career has helped her to understand the nuance and complexity behind systemic problems, and glimpse many different types of solutions.

Alina has worked across resource management, conservation, environmental advocacy, political communications, social enterprise, crowdfunding, consulting, and tech startups. In her role as the founding Communications Lead of New Zealand's Edmund Hillary Fellowship, she helped to co-create New Zealand’s Global Impact Visa, and bring together a global community of 500+ world-leading entrepreneurs, investors, artists, and systems change leaders to develop transformative solutions to pressing global challenges.

Circular headshot of a white woman with brown hair and a white streak smiling at the camera, against a white background.

Mission: To harness the undeniable power of story to create a future that is more regenerative, equitable, and just.

Defining Impact

The UN’s sustainable development goals provide a recognised framework by which companies and organisations can define their impact. Alina is committed to helping to achieve these goals through her work.

A 4 x 5 grid of icons displaying the UN's Sustainable Development Goals with the text "The Global Goals for Sustainable Development"